August 29, 2005

    Something that has captured me in the past few days.. heres a thought for you to chew on for a while…do not spit it out before it has sunk in… chew…and chew well….  —-Have you ever thought… that maybe….just maybe… your fragrant offerings aren’t so fragrant.

–Whats the stench…I’m out of here…–Ericki

August 24, 2005


A homeless peasant from backwoods… hick town… once said “I have a kingdom!”


            The people said, “You homeless fool… You have nothing except for maybe, sand in your Birkenstocks”

 -Pause & Fast Forward:  21 century’s later

                        The homeless peasant wasn’t playing around…



–Sojourning to my next estate… –Eric


August 23, 2005

God once said to His people, “Do not forget me in moments of misery… and do not forget me in times of Jubilee”


And His people responded by saying, “Don’t forget us…when we forget You!”


And God blushed as he said, “How could I forget you… you look like me”  


Reminder: you look like the Trinity…take a glance in the mirror once in a while…



–Enjoying the trinity…–Eric  

August 15, 2005

THE business trip is over… Romania was great… In due time I may post a story or 2 about the trip… YAY!!!


Two great minds of the 21st century have dealt with the issue of actually being home… The first critic… is that piggy tailed darling from Kansas…who says with a southern draw, “there’s no place like home… there’s no place like home…” And the second voice on the issue comes from the highly acclaimed literary genius… Bryan Butler, let me quote his exact wording when he etched this phrase into our history books…he says, “homes dumb, homes dumb!”  Bryan and that piggy tailed brunette stand in stark contrast to one another… 


The voices have spoken and the votes are in… My ballot clearly shows my allegiance lies with (drum roll) Bryan Butler…    Home is truly dumb!!! 


But in all reality home is not that bad… its good to be home… school starts soon…yay


Typing off… –Eric