Should America be involved in Iraq?  On March 20th 2008 America celebrated its fifth year in Iraq.  I was looking through pictures of a protest rally in Chicago against our involvement in the war.  The pictures inspired this projection. 

It is the year 2047 and Chicago is a mess.  There is looting and rioting.  The gangs have taken over.  The Windy City is ravished.  Drugs are being passed like candy.  Women are being raped and nobody is doing anything about it.  The children have lost their innocence.  The nightly news has given up and the police-force is a joke.  Tragedy is the norm.  The local authorities have given way to the U.S. military.  The U.S. troops are the greatest troops in the world but even they can’t contain the chaos.  The government refers to the polemic as, unpatriotic and un-American. The President compares these looters; to haters of freedom and terrorists.  He says that they are “pests in the heart of America.”  But still there has been no significant breakthrough.  The two sides are exchanging an eye for an eye, and nobody is winning.  Chicago needs help and help fast.  The national government has no where to turn.  And then one day the President receives a phone call, it is the largest country in world.  China is eager to restore order in Chicago – they want to help.  All they ask in return is to set up a functional military base on Navy Pier that sits on that little lake called Michigan.  This will be the base for their operations.  The Chinese will work alongside of the American troops in a joint effort to restore civil community in Chicago.  The Chinese have projected that order will be restored within six months.  Does America want the Chinese to intervene?   What is the general consensus?   

–My kevlar is meaner than your kevlar… -Erik